Sunday 29 May 2011

The Scottish Parliament

Speaking from a Scottish perspective, I worry about our First Minister, Mr Alex Salmond. He is clearly bent on Scotland becoming a country on its own, with all that entails. That, in my view, is a very bad idea. Not only is it a bad idea, it is also a stupid idea. I worry that his personal quest, which has given no persuasion beyond ideology, may damage us. And yet he works at it night and day. He seems to want to Scotland to be an independent nation just for the sake of it. Just for that and that alone. He then tries to tell us how it could work. I would doubt his word on this, but more importantly there is the question of why he wants it to work. There lies the nub, and there lies my worry. Am I dealing with an ideologue? I think yes. The SNP are welcome to run the devolved Scottish Parliament, but beyond that let us not succumb to their personal wishes.

I would think, and have always thought, that the stronger virtue lies in consensual unity. As it currently stands most people living in Scotland would very much wish to be part of the United Kingdom. Long may it continue. I am Scottish and I am British. If you asked me what comes first, I would say "Both together."